but it is also now an OLD address, because Nukewatch has officially moved to a new spiffier address:

NEW NEW EMAIL ADDRESS - nukewatch@lakeland.ws

For the latest calendar of ELF Resistance actions, see our STOP PROJECT ELF section
Dec 13 2001:
Urfer to Serve Five Months

Updated November 19 2001 (sentencing date changed):
Activist Faces One-Year Prison Term

September 17 2001:
Talking Points on Project ELF

September 6 2001:
Bonnie Released From Prison Aug 27!
Big welcome-home party at Anathoth,
September 8 2001

September 4 2001:
Public Hearings Set for Project ELF;
5 on trial September 26

'Star Wars' Action at Lockheed Martin
Slated for Oct 12-13

June 4 2001:
Prison addresses for 'Silence Trident' Pair

May 13 2001:
Mother's Day at Project ELF

May 4 2001:
'Silence Trident' Pair Sentenced to Prison

Mar 13 2001:
Two In Custody After Urging Criminal Investigation of ELF Transmitter

Feb 28 2001: from the Madison Capital Times:
Civil Civil Disobedience

Feb 21 2001:
Nuclear Weapons Opponents Found Guilty

Jan 29 2001:
Sam Day, peace activist,
October 5, 1926 - January 26, 2001

(more about Sam at no-nukes.org.samday)

Trident/ELF Resistance Updates

Jan 24 2001:
'Silence Trident' Goes to Trial Feb. 20;
Festival of Hope on Feb. 19

Jan 24 2001:
An Appeal for 'Silence Trident' Support

Aug 29 2000:
Ashland County Drops Charges Against 'Silence Trident' Polecutters!!
-federal charges are still pending

July 31 2000:
'Silence Trident' court update

July 5 2000:

Two More Arrests at Submarine Warfare Transmitter; Two in Jail; Three to Stand Trial July 10; Still No Charges in Pole Cutting

Previous Pathfinder Issues:
Pathfinder, Winter 2000
Pathfinder, Summer and Fall 1999

Trident/ELF Resistance

June 24, 25 2000:

June 24 2000:
'Silence Trident' Action Disarms Nuclear Navy's
Project ELF

'Silence Trident': People's Indictment

When Faith and Law are in Coincidence
-statement by Michael Sprong

Politics of the Heart
-statement by Bonnie Urfer

June 25 2000:
Two More Jailed After 'Silence Trident'

June 28 2000:
Trident Trigger Topples

185 Arrested at British Trident Base
Resisting Trident and ELF: An Update
UPDATE:  Trial Begins April 4 in Ashland County

Selected Articles from the Spring 2000 Pathfinder:
See our headline article, below,
as well as these related stories:

Working for Disarmament and Justice, Getting Ready for Nonviolence - by Pat Kane
Commitment to Nuclear Truth-Telling - by Sam Day
It Was Wild, Wonderul - by Mary Knebel
Looking for a Peace Camp, Finding a Friend
- by Delany Dean

The Outlaw Status of Nuclear Weapons
Should the U.S. Have a Missile Defense System? NO!
   -by U.S. Rep Cynthia Mckinney
MOX Moves Secretly - DOE Dusts Democracy
A Nuclear Arms Arms with Ourselves
Shoppers Beware: USDA Approves Nuked Meat!

The War on Yugoslavia Revisited,
One Year Later

Saving Them to Death: Nato's War Against Yugoslavia
"Inevitable Accidents"
The U.S. Air Force's Law of War
Nuclear Terrorism Without H-Bombs
United Nations War Crimes Prosecutor Reviewing
    NATO Bombing of Yugoslavia
CBC Interview with Michael Mandell

Nuclear Shorts
The Deadliest Force on Earth Plans to Party
Will Human Subjects Be Informed?
Radioactive Waste Smelting: Partial Halt, No Safety
Gas Mask Stunt Stokes Fears of North Korea
Chernobyl's Cracked Container: "Sponges" Go Inside for Repairs
"Revved" Missiles Threaten National Security
Radiation Experiments on Paducah H-Bomb Workers
U.S. Admits Radiation Killing H-Bomb Workers
Reactors Leaking As Usual
The Global (Plutonium) Economy
Deadly "Criticality" Ignites Critics in Japan
Nuclear Shorts Resources

Nukewatch Celebrates!
20 Years of Nonviolent Action for Peace

During the '80s and '90s, dozens of protests at the Grand Forks air force base and missile field (right, top) were sponsored by Nukewatch, Bemidji Friends and others. Atop a Minuteman-3 missile silo outside Larimore, North Dakota (l. to r.), John LaForge, Barb Katt, Mark Rogness, Jason Loughead and Dan Schechter celebrated Martin Luther King's birthday anniversary, Jan. 1990. The five said they were "protesting the elaborate housing of the Bomb in the face of massive human homelessness." Facing a year in jail, all charges were dropped the day of trial. Loughead, of Winnipeg, said of the reprieve, "I hope the air force has learned its lesson." Perhaps it did. Today the Grand Forks field is being emptied of its ICBMs.

Whiteman air force base in Missouri used to be the guardian of 150 Minuteman-2 missiles near Kansas City. In Oct. 1991, 16 "Peace Planters" entered launch site O-3 (right, middle) in what was the largest single silo occupation in U.S. history. After scores of similar nonviolent actions, the media, the courts, the air force and the general public came to know the deadly truth about the weapons in their backyards. All the Minuteman-2s have since been removed from Missouri and South Dakota. See related stories above.

contents provided by Bonnie Urfer and John LaForge: nukewatch@lakeland.ws;
web maintenance by Gail Beyer Vaughn: webster@no-nukes.org
last updated December 13 2001

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