185 Arrested at British Trident Base

By Laurentian Shield Resources for Nonviolence

In another major victory for the Trident Ploughshares 2000 campaign (see Nuclear Shorts' Resources), 400 protesters blockaded the gate of Faslane submarine base near Glasgow on Valentines Day. For two hours the blockade prevented workers from entering the base where the UK Trident nuclear weapons submarines are based.

In their effort to preserve military status quo, police chose to detain 185 peace activists. Included in the arrests were a member of the Scottish Parliament, Tommy Sheridan, a member of the European parliament, Caroline Lucas, and Scottish church ministers.

A Trident Ploughshares spokesperson said: "Today's blockade shows that more and more people are grasping the urgency of the threat posed by Britain's unlawful nuclear arsenal. We are delighted that so many have been ready to take this significant step toward preventing nuclear crime."