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Nukewatch, based in Luck, Wisconsin, evolved as a project of The Progressive Foundation. Nukewatch functions as an independent action group working for peace and justice, with a primary focus on the nuclear industry. The organization's various projects bring critical attention to the locations, movements, dangers, and the politics of nuclear weapons, nuclear power and radioactive wastes. Staff and volunteers advocate nonviolence in the spirit of the civil rights movement in education and action to abolish nuclearism.  

Former Nukewatch projects


Anathoth Community Farm, on the Plowshares Land Trust, is home to Nukewatch. The community is organized around "radical nonviolence and sustainable living." The Land Trust has tenets for the people living in Community. Members conscientiously oppose militarism and ecological degradation; employ only nonviolent means in working to create a society free from war, racism, sexism and human exploitation; practice non-chemical, organic gardening and farming; and practice and support a way of life that includes voluntary poverty, military tax refusal, and minimal environmental impact.


The Progressive Foundation was born in a Milwaukee, Wisconsin courtroom on the morning of March 9, 1979, when a federal judge handed down a precedent-shattering decree restraining the Progressive Magazine from publishing an article about secrecy in the U.S. nuclear weapons program. The Progressive Foundation was created by the magazine to educate the public about the issues in that historic First Amendment case. The foundation broadened its agenda after the federal government, in the fall of 1979, abandoned its attempted censorship of the Progressive magazine.

last updated Sep 1 1998