Selected Articles from the Fall 99 Pathfinder:
Year 2000 Call to Shut Down and Dismantle
Hot on the Trail: Military
Wastes On the Highways to WIPP
Nuclear Shorts:
U.S. Using Food as Weapon Against North Korea
Radioactive Trojan Horse Buried at Hanford
Radioactive Scrap Metal in Your Mouth?
Hydrogen Fires Still Plague Rad Waste Dry
No Safety Guarantees at U.S. Power Reactors
Russia Suggests Cutting Nuclear Arsenals in
Illegal & Secret Pentagon Actions
Yucca Mt. Dump Plan Still Unworkable
Anchovies Shut Down Nuclear Reactor
Nuclear Waste Aboard? Railroad Crashes USA
Nuclear Weapons Convention Needs Support
Radioactive Life Styles: Paducah…Hanford
…Rocky Flats…Savannah River…Idaho
National Laboratory
Back Door Nuclear War:
U.S. and British
Warplanes, Submarines and Tanks All Fired
Radioactive DU in the Balkans
Disregarded History: New
York Times Reports
on H-bomb Worker Contamination and Cover-ups, 1988-89
Action for a Nuclear Free Great Lakes
three articles on the Tromp Trident Trek:
TROMP TRIDENT TREK TO ELF commemorates U.S. atomic attacks; Walking
for Peace, Working on Community;
Witness to Hiroshima
Only Risking the World
DOE and WIPP: Truth
& Consequences
D5 Nine Not Guilty!
Calendar of Events
Selected articles from the Summer 1999
Headline article - NATO headquarters inspection
From the Peace Palace to the War Room: An
International Walk for Disarmament
(see also the headline article,above)
ELF Goes to War
Rad Waste on the Road to WIPP
Nuclear Shorts:
Power Reactor Shut-Down & Disassembly:
Electricity's Endless Balloon Mortgage
NASA's Titan 4 Failures: Three out
of Three
Quakes Still Rocking Yucca Mountain
Waste Site
Failed Nuclear Waste Plan
Called 'Explosive'
British/U.S. Nuclear
Waste Scam Thwarted
Jury Refuses to Convict
Plowshares in Conspiracy Trial
Peace Activists Paul Kabat,
67, Larry Cloud-Morgan, 61, Pass On
and special e-edition reports by Nukewatch staffers:
Depleted Uranium (a three-part series by staffer John LaForge)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Some H-Bomb and Reactor-Borm Radioactive Isotopes:
their half-lives and emissions