your little catalog of reading, listening and wearing to save the world


by Georgeen D-Haillecourt
Illustrated poem of love of justice and all God's critters. For the child of any age, for a millenium of peace.

1999 CDI Military Almanac
by the Center for Defense Information
New Compendium of military facts, figures, totals, money, personnel,, missions, war profiteer corporations, analysis.

Thich Nhat Hanh
Essays and poetry on the Vietnam War and how we may end such total catastrophes. Mindful, beautifully composed.

A Few Small Candles:  War Resisters of World War II Tell Their Stories
Larry & Lenna Mae Gara
Poignant and powerful stories and analysis from some of the 6,000 who served long sentences for conscription resistance in WW2.  Hardbound, 1999.

Faith Under Siege: Letters from a Christian Prisoner-of-Conscience
Mordechai Vanunu; edited by Sam Day
Letters written by Vanunu from his solitary confinement cell in Israel to an Anglican priest in Australia. 1999.

Maternal Convictions:  A Mothers Beats a Missile into a Plowshare
by Michele Naar-Obed; Foreword by LizMcAlister
Moving 38-page booklet in which Michele Naar-Obed talks of plowshares disarmament, family, and community.  Photos, 1998.

Hell, Healing & Resistance:  Veterans Speak
by Daniel Hallock; Foreword by Thich Nhat Hanh; Preface by Philip Berrigan
Recommended by Vets for Peace. Disturbing interviews with the vets who saw.  Hardcover, 1998.

The Lost Art of Forgiveness
by Johann Christoph Arnold
Did the war in Vietnam finish with us?  The author of this 1998 book holds that we, as a culture, can and must learn to forgive.

Tri-denting It Handbook:  
An Open Guide to Trident Ploughshares 2000
Chock full, shock-full of info for which you could be incarcerated.

The Future of History
by Howard Zinn, interviewed by David Barsamian
Easy to read and entertaining, even as Zinn addresses the grave injustices of the world; like eavesdropping on brilliance and charm.  1999.

The Violence of Love
by Oscar Romero
Poetry, journal of a man of great courage and vision, another holy man who understood his preparation for sacrifice.  2nd edition, 1998.

Building Peace:  Sustainable Reconciliation in Divided Societies
by John Paul Lederach
Why and how of moving beyond 'normal' diplomacy in the post-Cold-War real world of international conflict.  1997.

The Voice of Hope
by Aung San Suu Kyi with Alan Clements
Nobel Peace Laureate on Burmese nonviolent struggle.  1997.

All the Way to Heaven:  A theological reflection on Dorothy Day, Peter Maurin and the Catholic Worker
by Lawrence Holben

Approaches to Peace: A Reader in Peace Studies
Edited by David P. Barash
The best introduction to the field of Peace Studies. Broad range of writings, from Elise Boulding to Johan Galtung, from Gandhi to Alva Myrdal. 2000.

Unarmed Bodyguards:  International Accompaniment for the Protection of Human Rights
by Liam Mahony & Luis Enrique Eguren
International Peace Brigade saving lives in a war zone - nonviolently.  1997.

Fighting the Lamb's War: Skirmishes with the American Empire
by Philip Berrigan
1996 autobiography of a man willing to make enormous sacrifice for his beliefs.

Swords into Plowshares: Nonviolent Direct Action for Disarmament - Peace - Social Justice
edited by Arther Laffin and Anne Montgomery
History, theology, legal struggles of Plowshares movement.  1996.

Martin Luther King: The Inconvenient Hero
by Vincent Harding
Why and how MLK Day has been Hallmarked.  1996.

Laurentian Shield:  Nonviolent Disarmament of the Nuclear Navy in Northern Wisconsin
ELF plowshares, trial, analysis, poetry.  36 page booklet.  1996.

From Yale to Jail:  The Life Story of a Moral Dissenter
by David Dellinger
Autobiography (so far, 2nd edition 1996), humble yet historic account of a long life of action and reflection.

On the Wings of Peace
Writers and Illustrators Speak Out for Peace, in Memory of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Ideal for families or anyone who wants artistic quality and world peace.  Contributors include Michio Kaku and Rigoberta Menchu Tum; all royalties go to peace organizations.  Beautiful!  Hardcover, 1995.

Nonviolence in America: A Documentary History
by Staughton and Alice Lynd
Best history of nonviolence in the U.S.  1995.

Scorched Earth: The Military's Assault on the Environment
by William Thomas
How armed forces hurt our security globally.  1995.

Bomber Grounded, Runway Closed
by Ciaron O'Reilly
Disarmament history, written with wordly wit.  1994.

All Her Paths Are Peace:  Women Pioneers in Peacemaking
by Michael Henderson; foreword by the Dalai Lama
The stories of women who have substituted nonviolent conflict management methods for the increasingly dysfunctional patriarchal, hierarchical domination method.  Photos.  1994.

The People Who Hugged the Trees
adapted by Deborah Lee Rose
Based on true story of a village in India which utilized nonviolent resistance to protect creation.  For readers 7-11 years old, illustrated beautifully.

The Book of Ammon
Autobiography of Ammon Hennacy, the 'One-Man Revolution.'  2nd edition, 1994.

Whereon to Stand: The Acts of the Apostles and Ourselves
by Daniel Berrigan, S.J.
1991 exegesis of Jesus and his nonviolent radical squad.

Peace Agitator: The Story of A.J. Muste
by Nat Hentoff
1963 biography of a classic nonviolence hero.


Martin Luther King, Jr.: "Loving Your Enemies," "Letter from a Birmingham Jail, "Declaration of independence from the war in Vietnam"

Barbara Deming: "On revolution and equilibrium"

Emma Goldman: "Preparedness: the road to universal slaughter," "The individual, society and the state"

Simple Gifts peacefolk tape
by Barbara Hoffman
Professional musician and peace activist performs the best of folk music for a nonviolent world.  Clear, sweet, clean.

An Act of Conscience
This 1997 video chronicles War tax struggle by Betsy Corner and Randy Kehler of Colrain, MA.


Broken rifle pin
Jewelry doesn't get any more radical or chic than this little pin, just one inch wide.

Broken rifle hat
Famous War Resisters League symbol of the broken rifle stiched into the front of a tasty black billed cap.

Celebrate Nonviolence cards
Eight all-occasion cards (with envelopes) reflecting the sanctity of life and the power of nonviolence.

12 Nonviolence postcards
all different, promoting nonviolence

Blessing Bowl
An idea developed by Donna in prison.  She molds each bowl from old paper, some from court and prison.  Each comes with the story and two dozen quotations about the blessing of life.

More blessings for your bowl?
Order a replacement of the original set or a new second set.  Refill your bowl, send them in letters, or keep them in your pockets.  There's no end to blessedness!  

Great T's
Created by Ground Zero folks, these heavy 100% cotton T's help spread the message.  "We can live without Trident" on purple with a picture of Earth; "Resist Trident: Abolish Nuclear Weapons," on white with sunflower.  L and XL only.
