Dear Sachio & Friends at Allenwood prison,

Greetings of Peace to you! I was delighted to hear of your interest in depleted uranium. Like the women here, I'm sure you can see the connection between the poverty of our cities, the lack of educational, health, recovery and job resources compared with the unimaginably huge military budget that consumes more than half of every federal tax dollar.

With the advent of depleted uranium in weaponry, the U.S. has turned a horrifying page in history - recycling radioactive waste by exporting it to foreign lands to be shot from guns and dropped as bombs from planes flying overhead.

Not only one soldier is killed, but women and children too. Those who remain alive are poisoned, becoming ill and developing cancers. But it doesn't stop there. The children conceived for generations to come will be affected by DU-born with misshapen limbs, no brains, without eyes...

Even in these jails and prisons I think we can scarcely imagine the suffering our nation has inflicted on our brothers and sisters around the world.

Our sisters here in Baltimore County Correctional Facility have written letters in support of efforts to end the ongoing war against Iraq-the sanctions and the still weekly bombings. We encourage you to raise your voices in solidarity with all oppressed people who are the victims of US politics, violence and warmaking.

Our prayers are with you and the prayers of your hearts.

Sincerely, Liz Walz [Plowshares vs DU]

life at the cell level

Liz Walz writes from her jail cell:

"We met with the lawyers last night-we've finally been indicted. Spirits remain high despite forces to the contrary."

Susan Crane writes from the same cell block:

"The Maryland sabotage charge is written so broadly that a picket line could be considered sabotage. Maybe the legal team will figure out some defense for us. All I can see is talking about international law and moral law... about Iraqi Mothers and American mothers, Iraqi children and American children...

The Maryland sentencing guidelines-from what the women tell me-are worse than the federal ones. So no one thinks we'll be out anytime soon...And here we are in Baltimore, where addiction and drug sales are so prevalent the cops can't make a dent, people charged with homicide get released because the courts can't get to them in a timely manner (the newspapers say).

I made the best decision I could; I followed the leanings from my prayer life and I know that our warmaking is wrong."

[Liz, Susan, Steve and Phil face up to three decades in prison, if convicted. This is the very first time Liz has been in jail. Please shower them with your love and support for this risky business. Like warriors, they have placed themselves in harm's way for the sake of the vulnerable ones. Unlike warriors, they have only used good means.]
